
Training is on every Saturday morning from 10am to 11:15am at the Colts Park, Claremorris. In the event of heavy rain, snow and frost we maybe forced to cancel training so we advise parents to check our website or call the mini rugby coordinators before travelling to training.

Contact details for mini rugby coordinators is:

Robert Campbell – 087 741 1619

NOTE: All players must be registered – if you are not a member of the club you are not insured so that means you cannot play!

For Parents & Guardians

To help training run easily each week we have some small jobs for all parents / guardians to take note of;

1. Gum shields – no shield – no play

2. Please arrive BEFORE 10am so training can start on time.

3. Bring Water – Playing rugby is thirsty work!

4. Hats and gloves and warm clothing in cold weather please for all players.

5. Get involved. Positive encouragement for all the children is vital, most players want to impress their parents, so please try to impress the children. Never be negative.

6. Please pick up your child promptly at 11.15am

NOTE: If any parent / guardian has an issue or observation regarding their child please notify the coach or the mini rugby coordinators immediately.